Ok, so it's been around a week since I updated, in which a lot of stuff has happened. We'll start with the bad news in hope that I can liven everyone's spirits by the end! A new, real good mate of mine, who you could see in the King Krush post, as 'Holymelons' has got his Hunter back, Mínstrels! This is great news as it is a very cherished member of his roster, and is what got me and him talking in the first place, Rares! So what is the bad news? On our search for Loque'nahak, a day or two after a successful Skoll tame by good ol' Mínstrels, we came across the green bitch that is King Krush. I quickly logged onto a priest and flew over in a major attempt at what could be another successful King Krush tame of the month! Nothing could go wrong right? Well unfortunately, if your a dumbass and don't understand combat in this game, everyone can attack everything (aside from other players on PvE realms) that is aggressive and most neutral mobs, and when I say everyone, I'm referring to the asshole who did this...

Secondly in todays post, Eetio has gone and pushed the boundaries of 'epic son'bitch' once more with this 'small' addition to his slowly increasing mount collection...

Finally, my Druid, Luxray, is one suave pimping mo fo with this little number. A couple of weeks back, I started grinding rep for the Cenarion Circle in a fail attempt at getting the 'Guardian of Cenarius' achievement. This started to dry up until a couple of AQ runs later and many scroll hand ins, and BOOM, Exalted with the Cenarion Circle! I was just one step away from the ultimate Druid title! Cenarion Expedition was going to be a fairly simple, yet somewhat 'harder hitting' than the previous one. The first load of rep was already acquired while leveling, taking any quest from the Cenarion Expedition I could find as I intended to get this title as soon as I hit 80 (which never seemed to happen). This stood me nicely at the beginning of Revered, after which I started to grind it with me good buddy Mínstrels! The first couple of runs were easy and fairly boring, but rep is rep! When he got the key for being Honored, that's where things took off. Hitting the same place Heroic with Renoa with us ensured for a fast and smooth rep run! We didn't do another one for around 2 or 3 days until today... We ground the living crap into them places... Seriously... From around 8k rep straight through to the full 21,999 for full Exalted in 1 night! Thank you so much again dude, really was an epic grind, and thanks to Poisonmaster for joining us for the 3 Heroics! (or should I say Rilf ;) )

As you can see, I'm also on the Cenarion War Hippogryph! The perfect Druid Flying mount alongside the title and the Raven Lord for old world content! I woulden't have been able to get this without the help from Mínstrels again, and his patience with me, plus his weighty donation of 1000g for the mount, which has been considered as my early Birthday Present for Thursday! Thank you!
This reminds me, there is only 4 days left to vote on the Spirit Beast poll, I haven't checked the votes so far, and won't until the 28th which conveniently coincides with my birthday! (Coincidence? I think not!) So yeh, take a vote if you haven't already :)
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