Sapphiron... We have all bested Naxxramas and lived to tell the tale, however... To celebrate New Years, the guild got together for one last raid of 2009, and being that most people have been out celebrating the festivities, we thought it would be a great idea to try and 5 man a Raid boss... Good idea right? Right! So we went ahead and attempted Anub'rekhan, which ultimately failed. After this, what else could we try, for shits and giggles obviously! Sapphiron... The fight lasted a good 10-15 minutes, no deaths and no frost resistence. It was EPIC! Below is a picture of the members who took part, good job guys!:

As you may have also noticed, Frenzyfever is now Alliance and has joined our Guild! Tis' good news all 'round and great to have you dude! :)
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